Sep 15, 2006

Trauma in the Train

Check out this image carefully and then read what's given below.










These are signs in japanese metro trains, "Priority seats
for................" from left to right:

1. Person with injured arm
2. Person holding a child
3. Pregnant woman
4. Person with injured leg

You didn't think it was that did you? :))


The Snitch said...

Sorry the pic kinda messed up the template earlier and I didn't even know cause iBored wouldn't open after I posted the topic.Blogger was down or something I guess.I've resized the image now though.

The Snitch said...

The Japanese fooled you Soos :))

Check all the four images carefully,in the first one,the guy's penis is the second he's having the third,the girl's pregnant and in the fourth the kid is coming being born :))

The Snitch said...

LOL Yea I didn't notice that :))

Gee the Japanese are even more perverted than I thought they were.