Sep 11, 2006

9/11:The Fifth Anniversary

On this very day,five years ago,a terror attack took place which changed the face of the world forever.September 11,2001 witnessed perhaps the most outrageous thing that could be done by any human being.It was on this day that hijacked aeroplanes were made to crash into the World Trade Center,killing 2,963 innocent people and injuring several others.I'm sure it has affected everyone of us in some way or the other.

Today,five years on,I think we should atleast remember those who died without any reason and also remember all the people who have died in the terror attacks after September 11.Even though,we alone can't destroy terrorism but atleast we can leave the dead a message so they know we remember them.May their souls rest in peace.

I request those reading this to please click This link.Do visit this website and leave a message and light a candle.It's the least you can do and if any terrorist happens to read this or visit that site,he/she should feel guilty of what they've done.They should ponder as to what did they gain from all this.

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