Jun 25, 2008

Viva la Vida or Death and All His Friends

Im at work and Im a lil bored, of course, and wonder "What to do, what to do?" Then I remember iBored! Do you remember iBored?..didnt think so. Anyway! I remember it and as Im listening to the new Coldplay album I thought why not post something about it. Here it goes:

On 12th June Coldplay released their 4th studio album intitled " Viva la Vida or Death and All His Friends". Life and Death are the main themes of this album as you probably wouldve guessed. In May they released the first 2 singles off the album "Viva la Vida" and "Violet Hill"

"Life in Technicolour" is the brilliant instrumental opener of the album. It it powerful, sends out the vibe of the whole album and you kind of wish it was a full song with vocals. 9/10

"At night they would go walking ‘till the breaking of the day, The morning is for sleepin Through the dark streets they go searching to see God in their own way, Save the nighttime for your weeping…" how cool are these lyrics? I absolutely adore them. These are the lyrics that Cemeteries of London starts off with. 10/10

Lost! - Lost? was released before the album came out as a piano acoustic song and I thought the album version of this songs couldnt be better. And..I was right. Sort of. Its just that on the album its so different than anything Coldplay has ever done and it has surprised me too! Its up there with The Scientist and Fix you 10/10

"42" - THAT Coldplay sound you know is back and just when you think they cant surprise you anymore ...bang!! 10/10 baby! This is a fave of mine

Lovers in Japan / Reign of Love Chris has said that this album was influenced by the Arcade Fire and you can hear that in Lovers in Japan. I love the guitar in this song and it reminds me of "Keep the Car Running" Both songs make me feel in love even when Im not and thats always good. 10/10

Yes / Chinese Sleep Chant I could say Yes is my least favorite song of the album. Chris's voice is too low for my liking althow Im sure it will grow on me. But Chinese Sleep Chant is pure beauty and Im in love with the guitar in it. Ill give Yes a 6/10 and the second one a 10/10

Viva la Vida You have probably heard this one. Such a different song from everthing Coldplay has done. 10/10

Violet Hill - I actually dont like this song that much, probably because I kept on listening to it when before the album was released. Its still a good song but not a 10. 8/10

Strawberry Swing Im not sure about this one. Not sure at all. I like it and I dont like it that much. Its calm and sweet and nice but it doesnt make me go "Wooohaaa it's amazing!" 8/10

Death and All His Friends / The Escapist "Come over, just be patient, and don't worry" Dont rush things, calm, quiet, enjoy every moment of life... and then Jonny's guitar. Suberb! Great way to finish the album.

Yay! Im not bored anymore and I can go home now.
"Singing la-la-la-la-la-la-ehh"


Anonymous said...

Oh man, my review rocks! 10/10 for me

Anonymous said...

Haha, the review does rock for shure. I'm totally obsessed with Lost now.

Anonymous said...

omg the blog is alive :o

Anonymous said...

Shocked? :)) You can post too, you know. Just for fun.

Cristina said...

actually it seems to be dead :(